Creative Pinky's profile

Colourful Feelings 💫

For this project, I wanted to play with feelings separated by lines. I wanted to show special people who are not afraid to show their true colours and emotions. I will keep on adding illustrations here over time, because it's a never ending project, but also because it pushes me to explore a different style. 
Feeling Weird 🤪
The Other Side 👀

Everything seems better on the other side, doesn’t it? Is that really true though? 🧐 Sometimes we are worried for the people who are stuck on the other side, sometimes we're feeling stuck and lost, but it's not all black and white, isn't it? 😮‍💨 We forget lots of times that people are experiencing the same moments in different ways, so we're not feeling compassionate about their reactions. Maybe just for today, just for a moment...let's just offer a kind word or a hug to the person next to us. Patience is key today 💪
Jealousy feelings 👀 
Imagine Being There 💫 👩‍🚀

Sometimes, I like to imagine being there, in a new world, with new experiences and different dreams to explore 🌎 .
A New Face 👀
Colourful Feelings 💫


Colourful Feelings 💫
